Monday, December 13, 2010


School's closed today because of the snow and ice. It's just as well; I don't really want to go anyway. Right now, the thought of stepping outside my house fills me with dread. Now that I think about it, the thought of even leaving this room makes me feel the same. 

It's not fear really. I just feel safer right here. 

I've been doing a lot of thinking. Why not? It's not like I have anything better to do. Thinking about music. Thinking about the masked girl. About that note (no one's figured it out yet. what are you waiting for?). About me, and you and Him too. And for all my thinking, I'm nowhere closer to a solution to anything than I was yesterday. So for now I'm content to just sit here in my dark room and think. 

I've started another song. It's a very un-creepy one this time. It's based off another blogger, but I'm not telling who just yet. Just having my fingers on the piano keys is very comforting. And worrying.


  1. I'm afraid I don't know any Japanese, I can't help with your note.

    I've noticed some agent types use the mask, others don't. I wonder why...

    I'm glad you have somewhere to feel safe.

  2. What note did I miss something in your blog posts? I might not know Japanese, but I can use google translate and see if I can match words to characters.

  3. check 'more whining and a present' it's all in kanji.

  4. I hope things get better for you. And at least you do have an activity that calms your mind. Good luck with the new song :3

  5. Well, I don't know how to speak Japanese (aber ich spreche deutsch :D) so I can't really help you that much with the note.
    Well, Good luck and stay safe.

  6. You mentioned that you take Japanese classes, didn't you? Don't you have any clue what the note is about?

  7. I'm starting to look into your mystery woman from the previous post, I'm afraid I haven't come up with anything yet, but I'll tell you

  8. I know perfectly well what the note means.

    I was just curious to see if someone else could figure it out.

  9. Ah, well then. If you want us to guess, I'm game. Is it that typical SEESME and HECOMES nonsense?

    No, wait, it says "WHY DOES HE MAKE MOVE NOW"

  10. 嘘つきはだれ?
    "Who's the Liar?"


  11. if I may get philosophical again. I think you've produced one of the few 'truths' of all of us.

  12. Just talking out of my ass here, but the mask thing might denote just how far down the rabbit hole a given Hallowed/Agent/what-have-you is. How deeply entwined their psyche is with Slim's. The worst cases wear the mask/s as a means of depersonalizing themselves, while the less extreme cases don't wear one yet because they still consider themselves individual components of the machine, rather than just part of the machine, if that makes any sense at all.

  13. Oh man. I passed through your Youtube Channel a while back and thought your songs were awesome. I'm a huge fan of your work, if that's not terribly clichéd and a little weird for me to be saying, considering my job.

    And now I stumble across your blog and find 3341. I'm sorry to hear it. I really am.
